Moriando Consultancy was founded in 2013 by Peter Moors and is located in Rosmalen. The company develops windows and web related applications and is specialized in solutions with Microsoft .NET technologies.
If you think Moriando Consultancy could mean something for you or your company, do not hesitate to contact us. You can also reach us using social media like Twitter or LinkedIn.
Before we start developing software, we want to understand your wishes and your objectives well. Together we will come to a good design.
We have a lot of experience in creating innovative and high-quality Microsoft .NET solutions, such as Windows apps, websites and backend systems.
It goes without saying that software must be of good quality. That is why we also spend a lot of time on architecture, coding standards and testing.
Moriando Consultancy is registered at the Chamber of Commerce (KvK) with the following data:
Moriando Consultancy has in-house knowledge of a large number of development tools, techniques and methodologies. This allows us to develop software that matches your business processes.
My name is Peter Moors. I am a senior developer, who is specialized in Microsoft .NET software development and in technical architecture. I am mainly interested in the matching of information technology with the user organization. I am open to the application of new technologies. Satisfaction of the customer is my main focus.
fter graduating the study Technical Informatics at the University of Technology in Eindhoven I have been working in the ICT for over 28 years. I have a lot of experience in development, database administration and maintenance of software applications. I develop Microsoft .NET applications since 2004.
Resume (Dutch)Resume (English)
© 2013-2023 Web development: Moriando Consultancy en Puntmedia